Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Power within Us: Taking it back for ourselves.

It is Thanks Giving weekend coming up here in Canada! & I just realised it has been since EASTER that I have posted here on my blog.  I know I love posting more on my facebook page:

But it has been too long since I have taken the time to say "Hello, Sweet friends!" and I am sorry for that.

A lot has happened since my last entry! For one, I live in a completely different part of the world now! Lane took a position as the Executive Sous Chef at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel in Victoria BC Canada. This of course means that I had to leave all of my amazing yoga students in Nevis behind (as well as my yoga practice, studios ext). I even sold my yoga mobile that use to take me from clients to locations to other clients so many times daily in Nevis.

Now we live in Victoria, and it is quite a dramatic adjustment. Besides the from the colder climate there is a lot more then I thought there would be to get use to. There are so many great things about being back in Canada! But there are also so many things I miss about my own life and established careers which need to be rebuilt here. The nice thing about a career like Lane's is that he can go from one kitchen to the next no matter where it is in the amazing and vast world and it is pretty much the same in its requirements. This is not the case for an entrepreneur photographer or yoga instructor, let me tell you.

Yesterday, I was meeting with a wellness centre about working with them.  Turns out we are not the ideal fit for each other but I did meet these amazing health and wellness orientated group of people. It was awesome. One of the women I was interacting most with talked to me about a woman's meditation group she was heading to that evening and I thought "how amazing".
Of course in yoga we always talk about the importance of meditation, clearing your mind and focusing. But in truth, focus on what? Trust me - I know it's difficult to figure that out. I always start my yoga classes with a request that we (as a group but for ourselves)  set our own personal intentions for our day. In my move to Canada, in our busy bustle to get here and then to find our place here I have forgotten to take those moments to place myself in a space that it just for me. I have lost how to  find serenity, peace and my path.

I  have come to realise in the last weeks that I have fallen off my path. I have looked outward to the world, my friends and family who live close to here to reconnect me to where I am meant to be.  While I have met love and joy I have also met disappointment, conflict, drama and lack of what I thought I would be a part of.  I react to those negative feeling which only increase their power. In "The Secret" it states in defense we shout "no" at a feeling we do not want we in actuality we are only giving it more power. Thoughts (good or bad) attract like thoughts.  I have been forgetting that all I need is to turn my gaze inward. That is where the true me is. This is where the guide I seek lives.  It is my choice what type of things I feel, no one else.

This woman from the wellness centre and I talked about how we allow this thing we call  "life"  to get in the way of taking time to meditate, to connect to ourselves.  If you think about it - how crazy is that?? How illogical that we can make the time needed to take a shower in the morning before our daily commitments but we can't take 5 minutes to sit quickly, ground ourselves, close our eyes and reflect positively on all that we are, all that we are grateful for in that moment and all the gifts (goals)  we would love to allow ourselves to bring into our realm, our path for that day. How powerful are those five minutes. How much more important are they over anything else we do in our day and yet we prioritise differently. I know I have...and I know this is the last day of my life I ever start again without clarity.

Can you make yourself that promise too? Let's change ourselves and our world around us together. I pledge to all of you and to myself to take 5 mins every morning just to sit in silence and do exactly that we have been talking about. In those five mins I will:
- Reflect on myself and all that I am in a positive and grateful way.

- Reflect on all of those close to me that I am so happy to have a part of my life

- Reflect on my goals and what is really most important to me

- Reflect on any challenges and ask myself: if I give energy to this, am I staying true to the path I want most for my life?

- Sit in silence allowing beauty, awe and love to guide me through and be pass on to others in my day.

My mantra is to "live your pose" and by that I am meaning to say that this life is yours to live as you dream. Take back your power. In the words of Anita Moorjani from her book "Dying to be Me", "life your life fearlessly".

Thank you my dear ones!

Music that may help you set the tone for those 5 mins (it's a little over 5 mins which is perfect for you to have a moment to settle in too) xo

Enjoy, Namaste