Sunday, November 18, 2012

"Holy shit, mosquitoes" Yoga Poses - The Mosquito

I am type A- blood. This means that no mater what the biting bugs anywhere in this world LOVE me. Literally, my husband and I will fall asleep and while he will wake up without a bite on him, I will awake to find out I was a taste feast, covered with bug bite.

Blood-type markers are chemicals released by people of a specific blood type – so if someone with AB blood emitted a marker, it would be different than that released by A. One study found persons with Type A blood suffered more mosquito landings because of the odorant markers they emit than any other blood type.  Scientists have identified several proteins found in mosquitoes’ antennae and heads that latch on to chemical markers, or odorants, emitted from our skin. These markers are produced by the natural processes of our bodies and, like neon signs, they let the mosquitoes’ smell center know you’re around (though the process that then guides them to you is not well understood).
Flies and mosquitoes share a number of the same genes that dictate production of these odorant-binding proteins, which have specific sites that will catch or bind with certain chemicals in the air. Some scientists suggest that certain characteristics attract mosquitoes, thereby leading us to have more bites than others.

So...knowing all of that in the section of life that is called "too dam bad 'cas you were just born that way and there is nothing you can do about it"...I am desperate to find some sort of holistic way to free myself of this love energy I send out to these little biting blood suckers. I am also a compulsive with scratching. Apart from biting my nails right down to nothing, there hasn't been any great cures no matter how many vitamin b patches I stick all over myself.  Bug spray is SO's so not fun to be covered in scars and bloody scabs, the remnants of these bites. 

So today, reading about this yoga pose made me laugh as I scratch my mosquito bites all over my poor scared legs...

Yoga Poses - The Mosquito

Pose - Bend you knees while keeping your back straight with you arms out straight in front of you. Try to relax into this. At the teachers shout of "Holy shit, mosquitoes", start slapping your feet and legs, face and hands and any other body part you can reach while vigorously stamping your feet. Repeat mantra "Damn mosquitoes" at the top of your lungs. The advance version of this pose can be added by doing a sort of Jig as you run around the studio. Don't forget to breath.

Benefits - Besides being aerobically beneficial, practitioners of this pose report an increased kill ratio of mosquitoes, nats and no-see-ums when off the mat.

Killing mosquitoes isn't very Ahimsa yoga suggesting of me though now is it...hmmm


love Tara

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