Monday, November 11, 2013

A Day For Peace shanti shanti shanti om

So today is Remembrance Day, November 11th. Please,  at some point  today,  take a moment to reflect, to be grateful for all that we are, all that have and all that we can be. Most people ask that today we remember those who have died in these terrible troubles/conflicts we call "war".

Instead, today I am asking that you move through your day in a sense of gratitude for the peace we are so lucky to have in whatever small or large way we connect with it.

Our thoughts are the most powerful thing we can use to create a shift in our behaviours, ideals and patterns. If we think conflict, flight, death and war we attract more of that within ourselves and within our world (even if we do not want it to be). Thoughts attract like thoughts, so I ask you today to think on peace. Join me today in being at peace.

“I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.” Mother Teresa

Yoga poses for peace:

Lotus position

The lotus position, also known as the cross-legged position, is one of the most well-known poses in yoga and most often performed while meditating. According to Zen Mountain Monastery in New York, the position of the body during meditation often has to do with the function of the mind. When you’re in an open position like the yoga lotus pose, you can open yourself up to meditative thoughts more easily. There are several types of lotus positions, including the full lotus, or Padmasana in Sanskrit, the most stable position which places a foot on each thigh, and the half lotus, or Ardha Padmasana, where one foot rests on a thigh and the other foot is placed under the thigh. Whichever one is most comfortable, that’s the best position for you to find peace of mind.

Standing forward bend
This position is best for those who are flexible and don't mind standing. According to Yoga Journal, you can start forward bend, or Uttanasana, by standing straight with your feet parallel to your hips. Keeping your back straight, bend from the hips until your hamstrings are stretching. If you're flexible, place your palms on the floor on either side of your feet; otherwise, cross your arms with each hand on the opposite elbow. With each exhalation, allow your body to relax deeper into the stretch. With each breath, allow your stress to dissipate and peace to fill your mind.

Corpse pose
According to Yoga Journal, the corpse pose, or Savasana, is one of complete relaxation that can help calm you down as well as relieve mild depression and headaches. To do this pose:

  • Begin by sitting on the floor with bent knees and feet on the floor.

  • Next, lift your pelvis off the floor, and use your hands to push the pelvis toward the tailbone before coming to rest it on the floor again.

  • While breathing in, push through your heels to stretch out both legs. Allow your groin to relax as you make sure your feet are angled out from the spine.

  • Now, allow your tailbone and your torso to relax, with your hands behind the back of your head to keep it from lying down with your spine.

  • Finally, lay your head down, staying in this position for about five minutes.

Thank you my dear yogis for joining me today in this union of Peace.
shanti shanti shanti om

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