Saturday, September 8, 2012

bliss, peace, serenity, yoga

A day of bliss.

Dedicating today to finding your bliss. Yoga You with Tara Leigh quote of the day: "Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." ~ Dalai Lama

Yesterday Lane and I had our "cheat day" which means eating food we stay away from during the week. Now we have left over coconut ice in the freezer. I accidental dumped the whole bottle of pepper corns in the sauce 'cas the lid wasn't on right. After trying to get through a couple bites of it I decided coconut ice cream was a better dinner for me :P It is called coconut BLISS - and it is blissful!

My post of face book about coconut ice in Nevis went as follows:

What a great yoga day too! Special thanks to my two yogis this morning in their private session. Wooo! We worked that core out very hard today. So great to see you both getting stronger and stronger. You ROCK!

Taught my 1st gentle therapeutics / restorative class today at 3pm at my place. So lovely and so peaceful. The class was based around hip openers and releasing the lower back.  We heard poses and melted into them with the support of props for 3 - 5 mins. So great for the tissue of the muscles. Ah Bliss

We worked out to the music tracks found on Youtube that is entitled "forgotten dreams. Here is the link:

I invite you to play it in the background while you are doing you thing.  Take some time today to remember and reflect on your dreams. Plan for them. Achieve them! Be blissful over the thought off all you can gain!

Enjoy! Namaste.

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