Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Healing!

Yoga You with Tara Leigh quote of the day: “Love is the energizing elixir of the universe, the cause and effect of all harmonies.”

Happy Monday everyone! This mornings 8:30am power yoga class at my house was great. Lovely practice! LOVE seeing my yogi's getting stronger and stronger at their practice! Tonight's class (REMINDER) is been pushed back 1/2 hr to 7pm to accommodate students. Looks like it is shaping up to be a full class! AWESOME can't wait to practise with you all!

For those of you who tired the relaxing sleep sequence last night (outlined in my blog yesterday evening) I would love to hear your feed back after a couple tries of doing it! Sleep is so important! It is where we do all over our healing from the day's activities both mentally and physically. We do of course need our rest from both.

With the importance of healing in mind...I would like to explore more today the power of healing your body through vibrations/ frequencies. During my yoga certification training, I was asked to write a paper on a subject that most interested me. For me, yoga, is physical practice just as much as it is a spiritual one. In my search for what subject I wanted to focus on I found this connection between vibration and frequency as to how it can aid in healing us. This idea is a radical one to me. I would love to share with you my finding.

Here is my paper - hope you enjoy it:


“Vibration is a consistent, repeated, rhythmic pattern of movement. Vibration is the essence of all matter, energy and consciousness. Vibration is the basic emanation from which all matter, energy and consciousness is created. All vibrations are a “wave-form, with oscillations per unit of time, called frequency” Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System  Judith Anodea

Health is the reason I originally sought out yoga. I am drawn to the way yoga creates a sense of calm in my body. I was initially drawn to the way yoga healed me using nothing more then my body; working simply with all that I am and nothing more.

I am identifying most with unspoken relationships between healing and the benefits of the breath in yoga. This however has opened my conscience to so many questions. I have become aware and I am interested in the sense of vibrations and frequencies that we submit, receive, transmit and create ourselves. “Vibes” as we so commonly call them. 

I would like to examine the interaction between vibrations and frequency with our body.  How are they stimulated to benefit our health through yoga? To be even more specific, I would like to talk in this section specifically about each individual’s unique absorption of vibrations and frequency through the “aura”. 

At some point in an individual's evolution through age and experience, we come to the realisation that we are made of more than just our physical body. We begin to understand that there is more to the world than meets the eye. 

So lets define what is an aura. According to the aura is defined as: 

au·ra  (ôrn. pl. au·ras or au·rae (ôr) An invisible breath, emanation, or radiation. A distinctive air or quality considered to be characteristic of a person or thing 2. any invisible emanation, such as a scent or odor 3. (Medicine / Pathology) Pathol strange sensations, such as noises in the ears or flashes of light, that immediately precede an attack, esp of epilepsy 4. (Spirituality, New Age, Astrology & Self-help / Alternative Belief Systems) (in parapsychology) an invisible emanation produced by and surrounding a person or object: alleged to be discernible by individuals of supernormal sensibility.

So what is the relationship between each person’s aura and vibrations and frequencies? Vibrations and frequencies create an aura. The aura is a reflection of our personal electromagnetic field. This part of our energy field is a projection of the vibratory rates emitted by our body. We display thoughts and emotions on a conscious and unconscious level to our aura. It reflects the energies of not only our physical condition but our psychological condition.

The aura gives information on the energetic state of cells, organs & meridians. Each colour frequency is an indicator for the condition of the immunity level. If an organ’s vitality gets imbalanced, the power of the immunity gets out of balance. It then has the potential to go into resonance with viruses, bacteria & parasites. If the energetic balance or homeostasis is restored then the viruses, bacteria & parasites disappear because they lose their energetic nutrient medium. There is no good or bad aura, just a momentary energy situation.

“Thoughts are an actual vibration within our aura, which is created by our mental body, but they are vibrations that we can control. This interactive relation of the aura has the result that negative thought can manifest in the material body as pain or disease.” Understanding how your Aura affects EVERYTHING by Shauna Adsitt

We have a choice when negative thoughts come up, we can choose to continue to spiral down and lower our energy field or release the negative thought and choose to flip it to a more healthy & positive outcome. Can you imagine what a better world we would live in when more people realise that with some patience we can succeed in becoming the master of our thoughts? 

In sahaja yoga, vibrations are emitted from our body when our kundilini rises to sahasrara. The extent of vibrations could be felt. It is documenting that the aura is a part of the ten bodies of light model, on which yoga numerology and master number analysis is based, and it is the sum total of your nerve strength and bio-electric energy.  It plays a subtle but important role in your life, as the aura spontaneously affects and influences others who come within its reach.  Therefore, a person with a clear, powerful aura would be very charming and magnetic, and able to mesmerize others with their simple presence and being.  In addition, the aura is like a shield against negative energies and unknown forces, which may wish to influence or harm you. So how can we use yoga, meditation and sound frequencies to protect our aura?

With yoga we can first strengthen the aura on a physical level using the frequency of our breath to move us through.  Clearing and developing the power of one’s aura and magnetic field is an important aspect of yoga in general. There are many wonderful asanas (exercises) to accomplish this, such as Eagle Pose for a powerful aura. In other practices of yoga the Kundalini Yoga techniques (which are designed to clear the aura) almost always have a vigorous breathing pattern associated with them.  This technique is again in line with this approach, and uses the powerful Breath of Fire breathing exercise to maximize its purification powers. Other ways to affect the aura through yoga and the use of vibrations and frequencies to affect our cellular signals is through chanting/ meditation and props such as the Tibetan singing bowls. 

Chanting, pranayama breathing, metitation and the Tibetan singing bowls may be used for healing and auric alignment by using specific vibration notes as related to the Seven Chakra system referenced in the practice of yoga. When put into practice the aura picks up these frequencies and vibrations as “Healing Vibrations”.

In theory it is the vibration of the melody and the words that enter our being through our ears, through our whole body and our mind, which heal us.  When applying with such frequencies and vibrations to our situation we can affect our emotions positively, boost our immune system to ensure good health, and balance our metabolism. Certain noise levels can significantly affect your digestive system as well, per research conducted on people studying the effects of urban noise on the body and brain.

Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound: Secret of Seed (Bija) by Dr. David Frawley, speaks about the use of ancient wisdom traditions with a symphony of vibrational frequencies. In this beautiful, comprehensive, and unique work, the author elaborates the essential truths about cosmic sound, and how we can incorporate important mantras for healing, transformation and inner awakening through the aura.

In Govinda Kai’s article Yoga and Sound he asks “Why is sound so important to the practice of yoga?” then answering  “All reality, both spiritual and material is composed of different levels of vibrations or frequencies.” Sound is simply a form of vibration. As such, it has a very strong effect on not only the mind, but on reality itself. “The ancient sages of India discovered through great wisdom and experience that there are many different kinds and levels of sound. They discovered that these different kinds of sounds produced profound effects on the psycho-spiritual makeup of the mind and life of man.”

Any sound or any spoken word has a certain energy, vibration, or frequency, that either agrees or disagrees with our bodies.  In yoga, chanting is used at the beginning and end of yoga classes with the chant of “OM”. “When [we] chant OM, let it vibrate on the solar plexus. All the power of creation, the whole universe is present deep inside you. Let it vibrate in each cell of your body.” - Swami Vishwananda 

An interview with Christina King taken from the Drew Mariani Show aired on Relevant Radio Studies focused on a group of Monks that practiced Gregorian Chant, suggested that its use can and does alleviate fatigue, depression, and illness because of the hertz ranges (around 8000) and vibration patterns of the sounds. Gregorian chants creates a harmonic vibration that has been proven in studies to eliminate fatigue, heal and cure disease and illness, extinguish depression and enable the person who sings Gregorian chant to stimulate the part of the cerebral cortex through creating a separate vibration with our bones at a completely different vibration and hertz level that, when the cranium and skull vibrate at this frequency, acts like a magnifier as the bones of the head amplify the vibration affecting the brain at an even more magnified capacity.

Using frequency for healing consists of either disrupting unwanted frequency, such as those of a virus or bacteria, or by amplifying healthy frequencies.  Disrupting unwanted frequency occurs similarly to the way an opera singer breaks a glass.  The glass resonates to a particular tone; amplifying that tone beyond the level of energy the glass can absorb causes it to shatter.  The same can be done with bacteria and virus by bombarding them with amplitude of resonant frequency beyond their ability to absorb.   On the other hand, providing the desired frequency at the desired amplitude can support optimal health.  When the body resonates with this frequency it creates the optimal conditions for health. The use of frequency for healing is the current cutting edge of alternative health modalities. (FREQUENCY HEALING Overview and History Dr. Synthia Andrews, ND)

In this examination of yoga and the aura in it’s relationship with vibrations and frequencies I have come to learn that every living being is made up of its own vibrant energy.  Through yoga, chanting, meditation (and meditation vibrational sound tools) we can enhance our healing and rejuvenation. Through our auras, we ourselves are very much like “big batteries”.  Energy can flow through us. We can become charged and we can discharge and we can empower others.
To further explore Yoga You with Tara Leigh thoughts on the power of healing your body through, lets try connecting and feeling these vibrations/ frequencies ourselves. I found this on youtube - lets try it:

Happy healing. Enjoy! Namaste

love Tara

1 comment:

  1. Sound Healing therapy moves the patient closer to health, harmony and state of balance. There are number of frequencies which heal the illness in a natural and effective way which is known as Healing Sound. Listening to the specially recorded sound frequencies during your daily routine can create the positive changes which will enhance the quality of your life.
