Releasing the neck and shoulders.
Yoga you with Tara Leigh quote of the day:
“Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger”
― Sara Evans
I get a little bit stronger”
― Sara Evans
WOW, where did today go! Whipped right by now didn't it. Started today with a beautiful day and morning session at Chrishi beach. From there I had a postnatal class back at my house then a photo shoot in the afternoon (special thank you to Alicia).
Ana returned back into town today so gave her back her car and spent a little time chit-chatting with her over sparkling water and stevia "root beer" flavor. I am obsessed with the stuff.
Tomorrow is Power Yoga at my place at 8:30am followed but another postnatal class at 10:30am.
Busy right now putting together a relaxing shoulder and neck sequence as requested by my morning students. I apologise the image quality isn't the greatest in these examples but I had to depend on photobooth on my computer :P
Please let me know how you feel after these poses :
Use this neck and
shoulders warm-up sequence by itself or in combination with our other Warm-up
sequences to energize and warm up the body's muscles and joints prior to any of
the pose sequences.Use gentle fluid movements synchronized with
slow deep breathing. For a deeper effect, hold each stretch for 3-5 breaths.
This sequence is contraindicated with recent or chronic injury to the arms,
neck or back
Start in any seated position.
the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.
the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through
the palms.
3. Exhale the left hand to left ear and right hand to ground
the left ear to the left shoulder and use the left hand as a weight to gently
stretch the side of the neck. Walk the right fingertips away from you to deepen
the stretch.
4. Inhale the arms up, interlace the fingers and press the palms to the sky.
the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through
the palms.
Exhale the right hand to right ear and left hand to floor.
Drop the right ear to the right shoulder and use the right hand as a weight to gently stretch the side of the neck. Walk the left fingertips away from you to deepen the stretch
6. Inhale the arms up, interlace the fingers and press the palms to the sky.
the chin towards the chest and use the arms as a weight to gently create a deep
stretch in the back of the neck. Let the arms be relaxed and the elbows point
Inhale and lift the chin, gaze and chest and reach the elbows back.
up through the chin while looking up and reaching the elbows back to feel a
stretch in the front of the neck.
Exhale the hands to the knees or ground.
Bring the spine back to neutral position. Keep the shoulders down and back, the spine long and the chest open.
Inhale the arms up, interlace the fingers and press the palms to the sky.
the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through
the palms.
Exhale and twist to the right.
Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, bum
supported on a folded blanket. Bend your knees, put your feet on the
floor, then slide your left foot under your right leg to the outside of
your right hip. Lay the outside of the left leg on the floor. Step the
right foot over the left leg and stand it on the floor outside your left
hip. The right knee will point directly up at the sky.
Exhale and twist toward the inside of the right thigh. Press the right
hand against the floor just behind your right bum, and set your left
upper arm on the outside of your right thigh near the knee. Pull your
front torso and inner right thigh snugly together.Press the inner right foot very actively into the floor, release the
right groin, and lengthen the front torso. Lean the upper torso back
slightly, against the shoulder blades, and continue to lengthen the
tailbone into the floor. You can turn your head in one of two directions: Continue the twist of
the torso by turning it to the right; or counter the twist of the torso
by turning it left and looking over the left shoulder at the right foot. With every inhalation lift a little more through the sternum, pushing
the fingers against the floor to help. Twist a little more with every
exhalation. Be sure to distribute the twist evenly throughout the entire
length of the spine; don't concentrate it in the lower back. Release with an exhalation, return to the
starting position, and repeat to the left for the same length of time.
Inhale the arms up, interlace the fingers and press the palms to the sky.
the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through
the palms.
Exhale and twist to the right.
Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, bum
supported on a folded blanket. Bend your knees, put your feet on the
floor, then slide your left foot under your right leg to the outside of
your right hip. Lay the outside of the left leg on the floor. Step the
right foot over the left leg and stand it on the floor outside your left
hip. The right knee will point directly up at the sky.
Exhale and twist toward the inside of the right thigh. Press the right
hand against the floor just behind your right bum, and set your left
upper arm on the outside of your right thigh near the knee. Pull your
front torso and inner right thigh snugly together.Press the inner right
foot very actively into the floor, release the
right groin, and lengthen the front torso. Lean the upper torso back
slightly, against the shoulder blades, and continue to lengthen the
tailbone into the floor. You can turn your head in one of two
directions: Continue the twist of
the torso by turning it to the right; or counter the twist of the torso
by turning it left and looking over the left shoulder at the right foot.
With every inhalation lift a little more through the sternum, pushing
the fingers against the floor to help. Twist a little more with every
exhalation. Be sure to distribute the twist evenly throughout the entire
length of the spine; don't concentrate it in the lower back. Release
with an exhalation, return to the
starting position.
Inhale the arms up, interlace the fingers and press the palms to the sky.
the shoulders down and back, the hips grounded to the floor and reach through
the palms.
Exhale the hands to the knees or ground.
the spine back to neutral position. Keep the shoulders down and back, the spine
long and the chest open.
Next couple poses I don't have photos for 'cas my laptop isn't a photographer but please do follow the step by step outline and do let me know if you have any questions. I am happy to help :)
can obviously be done anywhere there is a wall, and has instant results. It can
get quite intense fast, so take it slowly at first. Build up to a longer hold
time. Also called “puppy pose,” this is a great prep for downward facing dog,
especially if that makes your shoulders shake.
- Stand about a foot away from the wall. This distance will vary depending on your height, so you might need to play with it. Take your feet hip distance apart.
- Bring your arms overhead and palms to the wall. Now imagine that someone is taking hold of your hips and gently pulling them back; your hips should align over your knees and ankles (if they don’t, modify the distance from the wall). Feel your chest and armpits drop towards the wall, and rest your forehead on it.
- Be careful not to over-arch your back. Pull your tailbone under slightly to counter this.
- Keep your fingertips reaching up the wall, your tailbone reaching back behind you, and your armpits dropping. Focus on the armpits; the more they drop, the more the shoulders will let go.
- If you need to back off, walk your hands down the wall slightly. Stay here 60-90 seconds to start; work up towards 2-3 minutes.
is a variation on a pose called rabbit. I love that it’s a mini-headstand and
massages the crown chakra on the top of your head — you might find
yourself thinking more clearly, in addition to stretching out your shoulders!
- Start in child’s pose, sitting on your heels with your forehead on the floor.
- Interlace your fingers behind your back. Slowly and carefully, lift your hips and roll onto the crown of your head. As you do this, take your arms up and over your head.
- Make sure that you are on the crown of your head, not the forehead or further back. Keep some weight in the shins by pressing them down into the floor, to avoid taking too much weight on your head.
- Hold for 5-10 breaths, and then slowly bring your hands down towards your low back as you roll onto your forehead. Release your arms by your sides, and rest in child’s pose for a few breaths.
is one is also called “threading the needle” and adds an amazing twist to the
shoulder work.
- Start on your hands and knees. Take your left hand in the center of the mat.
- On an inhale, press down through your left palm and lift up with your right arm. On your exhale, take your right arm through the space between your left arm and your knees; you’ll come onto your right shoulder/side of head.
- Option 1: Lift your left arm straight overhead, reaching the fingertips to the ceiling.
- Option 2: Take your left arm over your ear, bringing fingertips to floor; think about tilting your ribs towards the ceiling. A great side stretch!
- Option 3: Wrap your left arm around your back, reaching for your right hip or inner thigh. Press your bottom shoulder into the floor as you peel the top shoulder back.
- Stay 5-10 breaths. Retrace your steps to come out of the pose mindfully. Repeat on the other side.
is a restorative version of matsyasana, fish pose. It’s a heart opening pose;
when we are tense in the shoulders, we often are rounded forward, closing off
our chest area. This opens everything back up, and allows the shoulders to
release into the support of a block.
needed: A block.
- Start seated on the floor. Take the top of the block (repeat: the top of the block – see photo) and position it along the base of the shoulder blades (that place where you imagine the little weights, helping to draw the shoulder blades down the back). Note that positioning the block is key! This will not feel good if it’s in any other place.
- Keep the block glued into position as you carefully recline over it. Feel it open your chest as you drop the back of your head to the floor. (If your head doesn’t reach the floor, bridge the gap with a soft blanket or towel.)
- Close your eyes and let everything be heavy. Feel the support of the floor and block. Slow your breath, and stay here for 3-5 minutes.
- To come out, pull your elbows in towards your sides, and use them to push yourself straight up off the block, bringing your chin into your chest. Do not roll off the block!
a nice counter-pose, fold forward for a few breaths.
Let me know how these poses work for you. Lets release that neck and shoulders.
Enjoy! Namaste
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